

This is a collection of random resources that I found interesting.

This is a constant work in progress, as I will update this list every time I engage with something relevant.


Artificial Intelligence Podcast - A podcast about AI & beyond with a lot of interesting interviewees. Sometimes the interviewer gets a little too much philosophical (not in a good way) but generally speaking is good content, imo.

Il podcast di Alessandro Barbero: Lezioni e Conferenze di Storia - History lessons by one of the most known historians in Italy (in Italian).

Limes Online - Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica - Italian geopolitical monitor (in Italian).

Random stuff

Papers With Code - A site where you can dig among papers (in the field of ML) with open source code officialy released.

Haskell for Imperative Programmers - A playlist for starting out Haskell programming. I’ve watched a few episodes and I liked the teaching style.